Sorry I didn't keep track of the specifics for every single step but I'll do my best to remember.
1) Took the picture into iphoto and changed the levels, under exposed [not by much] and increased the contrast.
2) Still in iphoto I applied the antique filter, and then upped fade color 1 or 2 slots
3) Now to photoshop, I applied a photo filter, orange and played with the density until I was happy
4) I download all my brushes here, I found some swirly ones I like and dl them to my computer
5) I got two or three different swirl brushes for each corner and rotated them around, and played with size until I was satisfied. Each swirl is completely white with opacity 100% brush mode normal
6) I applied inner and outer glow, opacity 100% each, everything else I left at the default.
7) Then I submitted to iheartfaces :]
*note* The brushes are all free, some artists clarify that they do not want their brushes used if you are making money unless you are paying them or crediting them.
I love the tones and the brushes, great job! ;D
Very cute. Thanks for sharing. I'm off to find some brushes!
Very original and pretty!
I love the brushes ~ very creative :D Thankyou!
Love it! Way to think out of the box
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