Friday, March 26, 2010

Fix it friday #48

The image is not my own, I just edited it. The first one is the Original, the second one is my edit, you can follow my steps in the tutorial below the edit.

What I did:

1) I started in iphoto and changed the levels so its 84% on the light side, still 0% on the dark side
2) Put contrast up to 91, saturation to 74, make sure when doing saturation you check the box Avoid Saturating Skin Tones
3) Sharpness to 100, tint to -13
4) Still in iphoto go to effects, and do antique +1, and fade color +2.
5) Now time to go to photoshop. We're going to lighten up the girls eyes and make them pop a bit more. First duplicate the background layer (original photo) I do this just to be safe. Grab your dodge tool and set it to about 98% percent. Go around the iris of the eyes and lighten them up. Now grab your burn tool, set it to 100% and make it the size of the pupil, and darken.
6) Now we're going to add some texture. I got mine from Shadow House Creations. The texture is called Cover Texture.
7)Add new layer and place the texture. This layer should be above both of the photos. Now hold down the ALT key and hover over the line between the texture and your image and then click on it when two circles appear. Make sure you have the texture layer selected and change the blend mode to Darken, the opacity to 88% and the fill to 74%
8) Now round the corners of the image, you can use the Action and download it for free here. Now I go through each layer individually and round the corners because for whatever reason I can't get it to round each layer all at once. I've tried flattening and this still doesn't work. So go through and round all the corners by running the action just hit enter for each window that comes up.
9) Add a clipping mask, you can also get it from coffeshop, I can't find the exact link so just play around on her page and hopefully it turns up :]. I'm using a vintage clipping mask, run the action round corners again (probably could have added the mask first but oh well :]) Now do the same thing where you hover over the line separating the texture and the mask, and click alt. Now you should be able to see your image. It will probably be very dark.
10) Set your blend mode to exclusion, and keep your opacity and fill at default. It may be hard to tell because the mask doesn't do a whole lot but it does add some nice textures and creates a very faint frame.
11) Now submit to iheartfaces and check out all the other entries here!

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