Friday, May 28, 2010

Fix it Friday #56

I did not take the photo, I just edited it. 

This is the Original

And my edit. 

Keep reading to see what I did!

1) I didn't do too much in iphoto this week. I just cropped, and lightened the image just a tad. Now to photoshop
2) Use the coffee shop action baby powder room. Nothing will look different until you play around with the layers.
3) Go to red skin repair layer, select a soft brush and use the eye dropper tool to get a color of the normal skin color. The girl has a little too much red to edit all of it out. So don't worry if you can't get it all. 
4) After you touch up the redness go to the smooth skin layer mask. Use a white soft brush with a low opacity. Lightly go over the skin and smooth it out. 
5) Go to lighten skin layer mask, again keep your brush soft and at a low opacity. 
6) Go to skin glow and do the same as previous steps.
7) You can use the eye define and eye bright layers if you want to, I didn't. Now flatten your image. 
8) Now apply the action Johnna's memory. You can leave the layers to their default or adjust to taste, I also turned on the contrast boost with the opacity at 64%
9) Now upload to iheartfaces and check out the other entries!

1 comment:

Amy McMaster said...

Great step-by-step on what you did!